Dental Bonding
Dental Bonding
If you have a chipped, cracked, or discolored tooth, a cosmetic dental procedure like tooth bonding can give you the confidence to flash those pearly whites.
Dental Bonding
If you have a chipped, cracked, or discolored tooth, a cosmetic dental procedure like tooth bonding can give you the confidence to flash those pearly whites.
Tooth bonding is a procedure where our dentists applies a tooth-colored composite resin to one or more of your teeth to repair damage. It’s a cost-effective solution because it’s considerably less expensive than other cosmetic dental procedures, such as crowns and veneers.
What is teeth bonding? How does it work?
Tooth bonding is simpler than other cosmetic dental procedures. So simple that this procedure doesn’t typically require anesthesia — unless you’re filling a cavity — and it doesn’t require multiple visits to the dentist.
Why get teeth bonding?
Tooth bonding can fix a defect or imperfection within a tooth. Some people use bonding to repair a decayed, cracked, or discolored tooth. This procedure can also close small gaps in between teeth.
Tooth bonding can also increase the size of a tooth. For example, maybe you have a tooth that’s shorter than the rest, and you want them all to be the same length.
Bonding is a fast procedure and doesn’t require any down time. If you don’t need anesthesia, you can continue with your normal daily routine after the procedure.
Typically, tooth bonding takes between 30 to 60 minutes. Some appointments may run longer depending on the extent of the procedure.
How to prepare for teeth bonding
Tooth bonding doesn’t require special preparation. But you’ll need to consult our specialists to see if you’re a candidate for this procedure.
Bonding might not work if you have severe tooth damage or decay. You may need a veneer or crown instead.
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Cosmetic Dentistry